
Overt is an open app store. With Overt, you can:

Benefits to developers include:

Software listings are provided by their developers and/or the community, in various catalog sources.
In the default catalog sources, app downloads always come from the developers’ official servers.


What is it, really?

Apps on Overt are provided by package managers, which are command-line tools that install and manage software “packages”.

Many package managers excel at what they do. But due to their command line UI, package managers are often only used by developers and highly experienced users. Overt’s primary goal is to make them usable to everyone.

So, Overt is really a package manager GUI client.

Many package managers find packages from various repositories (i.e., catalog sources), which are essentially websites that list software packages. For example, a repository called “Browsers” at https://example.com/Browsers could provide packages for Chrome, Firefox, and so on.

Overt talks with package managers to:

Overt is currently available for macOS, with Homebrew as the package manager.

Overt for Windows is planned, with Winget and Scoop both on the table for support.

Other package managers (e.g., on Linux) are also possibilities for the long term.


Apple has come under fire lately for locking down the software users can run on their devices, and imposing stringent and increasingly aggressive rules on what third-party developers are allowed to say and do.

Overt (or “OpenStore,” the original name) is thus an answer to Apple’s App Store.

Like the App Store, Overt helps you install and manage your favourite apps, and discover new ones to try.

Unlike the App Store, as proudly proclaimed on this site’s homepage:

How is it different from Cakebrew?